

管家大学(下称“大学”)致力保障个人资料私隐. 本隐私声明概述了收集的内容, 使用, 信息披露, 以及销毁学生提供给大学的个人信息(GDPR), 申请教师职位, 研究对象. 当信息提交给大学, 或者使用大学的网站和其他服务, 你同意收集, 使用, 信息披露, 本隐私声明中所述的信息的销毁(GDPR).


The University collects and processes Personal Information and Sensitive Personal Information from individuals who are students only 必要时 in the exercise of the University’s legitimate interests, 作为私立高等教育机构的职能和责任. The University also collects and processes Personal Information and Sensitive Personal Information from individuals who are research subjects in the exercise of scientific, 历史研究, 或者统计目的. 另外, the University collects and processes Personal Information from individuals who are applicants for faculty and staff positions in order to enter into or administer a contract for employment with the University. Personal Information is collected from students and shared with internal and external parties to register or enroll persons in the University, 为学生提供和管理住房, 管理学生账户, 提供学术建议, 开发和实施教育项目, 跟踪学习进度, 分析和改进教育项目, 招聘, 监管报告, 审计, 维持认可资格, 以及其他与大学有关的程序和职能.  The University also 使用s Personal Information and Sensitive Personal Information to conduct general demographic and statistical research to improve University programs. 收集敏感的个人信息, 内部和外部处理和共享, 必要时, 适用和适当, 确定适当的支持服务或活动, 提供合理的住宿, 执行大学政策或遵守适用法律. 最后, Personal Information and Sensitive Personal Information may be shared by the University with third parties who have entered into contracts with the University to perform functions on behalf of the University, 受保密和防止未经授权披露的义务约束.

就本私隐声明而言, 敏感个人信息定义为种族, 民族起源, 宗教或哲学信仰, 健康数据, 性取向, 以及刑事定罪.

就本私隐声明而言, Personal Information refers to any other information concerning a natural person that is created by or provided to the University from or concerning students, 申请聘任教师及研究课题者.



  • 同意: We may disclose Sensitive Personal Information and other Personal Information if we have your consent to do so.
  • 紧急情况: 皇冠投注可能会分享您的个人信息, and Sensitive Personal Information when necessary to protect your interests and you are physically or legally incapable of providing consent.
  • 就业的必要性: We may share your Sensitive Personal Information when necessary for administering employment or social security benefits in accordance with applicable law or any applicable collective bargaining agreement, 但须采取适当的保障措施,以防止进一步未经授权的披露.
  • 慈善组织: 皇冠投注可能会分享您的个人信息 with the 皇冠投注网 Foundation and other not-for-profit organizations in connection with 慈善捐赠 但须采取适当的保障措施,以防止进一步未经授权的披露.
  • 公共信息: 皇冠投注可能会分享您的个人信息 and Sensitive Personal Information if you have manifestly made it public.
  • 存档: 皇冠投注可能会分享您的个人信息 and Sensitive Personal Information for archiving purposes in the public interest, 对于历史研究, 以及统计目的.
  • 合同的履行: 皇冠投注可能会分享您的个人信息 when necessary to administer a contract you have with the University.
  • 法律责任: 当国际法规要求或允许披露时,皇冠投注可能会共享您的个人信息, 联邦, 以及国家法律法规.
  • 服务提供商: We 使用 third parties who have entered into a contract with the University to support the administration of University operations and policies. 在这种情况下, we share your Personal Information with such third parties 但须采取适当的保障措施,以防止进一步未经授权的披露.
  • 大学附属项目: 皇冠投注可能会分享您的个人信息 with parties that are affiliated with the University for the purpose of contacting you about goods, 服务, 慈善捐赠, 或者是你可能感兴趣的经历.
  • 去识别和汇总信息: 皇冠投注可以不受限制地以去识别或汇总的形式使用和披露个人信息.


We implement appropriate technical and organizational security measures to protect your information when you transmit it to us and when we store it on our information technology systems.


Your information will be retained by the University in accordance with applicable state and 联邦 laws. Your information will be destroyed upon your request unless applicable law requires destruction after the expiration of an applicable retention period. The manner of destruction shall be appropriate to preserve and ensure the confidentiality of your information given the level of sensitivity, 价值, 以及对大学的批判性.


你有权要求查阅, 的副本, 整改, 的使用限制, 或根据所有适用法律删除您的信息. The erasure of your information shall be subject to the retention periods and in accordance with applicable state and 联邦 laws. 如果您已同意使用您的信息, you have the right to withdraw consent without affecting the lawfulness of the University’s 使用 of the information prior to receipt of your request.

Students may exercise these rights by accessing your student account maintained by the University’s information technology systems using their login credentials, 或致电大学教务处联络 registrar@luxurynaman.net. Applicants for employment as faculty may exercise these rights by accessing their account created in the University’s information technology systems, 或与教务长办公室联系 facultyaffairs@luxurynaman.net. Applicants for employment as staff may exercise these rights by accessing their account created in the University’s information technology systems or by contacting the 皇冠投注网 Human Resources office at askhr@luxurynaman.net.

Information created in the European Union will be transferred out of the European Union to the University. 如果你觉得学校没有遵守适用的外国法律规范这些信息, you have the right to file a complaint with the appropriate supervisory authority in the European Union.


皇冠投注网招生办公室的隐私政策是可用的 在这里.


皇冠投注可能随时更新或更改本政策. Your continued 使用 of the University’s website and third party applications after any such change indicates your acceptance of these changes.
